6 British Columbia Tax Credits
That you may not have heard about…
Training Tax Credit
The training tax credit is for employers and apprentices who take part in apprenticeship programs administered through the Industry Training Authority (ITA).
Back-to-School Tax Credit
Tax credit for parents of school age children to help with the cost of purchasing school supplies.
Education Coaching
Tax credit for teachers and teaching assistants who carry out at least 10 unpaid hours of extracurricular coaching activity per year.
Home Renovation
The Home Renovation Tax Credit assists individuals 65 and over and persons with disabilities with the cost of home renovations to improve accessibility or be more functional or mobile at home.
Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP)
This government subsidy encourages employees of small businesses to invest and take ownership in their employer’s company.
Farmers Food Donation Tax Credit
Tax credit to encourage farmers to donate agricultural products to registered charities, such as food banks or school meal programs.
Source: Government of British Columbia http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/income-taxes/personal/credits