
MyCRABenefits Mobile App: More Information at your Fingertips

As of 2016, individuals in Canada have a new resource to help manage their everyday finances as well as their income tax return process. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)  launched a new mobile app — My Benefits CRA — which enables Canadians the option to view personalized benefit and credit information on cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices. Previously this information was only available through signing into a “My Account” profile online, or via a telephone call with one of their representatives – however this new app offers a faster approach to looking up benefits information.

MyBenefits CRA is a new mobile app that lets you instantly view all your benefit and credit information on your mobile device. The app shows you:

  • when your benefits or credits will be paid
  • the amount of your payments
  • the status of your Canada child benefit application

As of October 2016, the app will also let you update some of your personal information that may affect benefit and credit eligibility such as:

  • your marital status
  • children under your care

While everyone loves that “surprise GST/HST payment” showing up in their bank account, this app is hugely beneficial for those who need to manage their upcoming cash flow. The ease at which key financial information is made available by the CRA is comparable to online banking apps, and can only be seen as a good thing moving forward.

More information on the new app can be found on the CRA website at www.cra-arc.gc.ca/nwsrm/txtps/2016/tt160920-eng.html, and the Agency’s mobile app page is available at www.cra-arc.gc.ca/esrvc-srvce/mblpp/menu-eng.html.

Whether you have questions regarding the app, or any other issues with navigating financial information through the CRA’s website, please feel free to reach out to us at Insight Online Accountants. We have an amazing team ready to assist you through the annual tax filing process.